CAP,BASE,SOLID,KISS, What do these acronyms means?

CAP,BASE,SOLID,KISS, What do these acronyms means?


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CAP theorem states that any distributed data store can only provide two of the following three guarantees:

1.Consistency:- Every read receives the most recent write or error.

2.Availability:- Every request receives a response.

3.Partition tolerance:- The system continues to operate in network faults.


The ACID model used in relational databases is too strict for NoSQL databases. The BASE principle offers more flexibility, choosing availability over consistency. it states that the states will eventually be consistent.


SOLID principle is quite famous in OOP . There are 5 components to it.

  1. SRP(Single Responsibility Principle)

  2. OCP(Open Close Principle)

  3. LSP(Liskov Substitution Principle)

  4. ISP(Interface Segregation Principle)

  5. DIP(Dependency Inversion Principle)


"keep it Simple, stupid" is a design principle first noted by the US. Navy in 1960. it states that most systems works best if they are kept simple.